
Hello! For as long as I can remember I have had a fascination with making soaps, lotions and other beauty care products. When I was very little, my Mother called my experiments Nikki’s potions. I love the process of making soap. And I love dreaming up new ways to make it.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. I would love to talk to you about possibly buying some soap from you for Christmas presents. I bought some soap from you at the fair and I love it. I am very interested in taking a class from you too. I live very close to Sioux Falls.

    • Hello Sheryl. Thank you for your support and your interest! I will be teaching two classes this spring through Sioux Falls Community Education. Their website will have the dates when it comes out in January. I can make soap to however you would like it! Let me know your preferences (scent, ingredients, whether you like swirls, etc.). You can email me anytime at nikkisessence@gmail.com.

  2. do you ever do more of a private class in a home?

    can we talk on the phone about scents and cost of soap? My phone # is 351-2880. I thought it would be easier to chat within the next few days. Thanks so much for your quick response. M

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